Explore the vastness of your being, Now!
What is a musical interval? It’s simply the distance between two notes that can be played simultaneously or consecutively. Each distance is a gateway to your inner world and to the subtle dimensions of the Great Nature. To access this profound knowledge you don't need to be a musician but if you are, the music you play can achieve a deeper intention. Intervals are doors to infinity, a powerful and refined tool for growth with which you can climb new steps on the mystical ladder of knowledge…
Explore your depths beyond the veil of illusion... We are here to evolve, to increase our ability to love ourselves and others... Work on yourself and become a real human being!
Walk the magical path of the Intervals
Be your well-spring of inspiration and your inner master
Abandon the ordinary, well-trodden paths, and open yourself up to new possibilities. The time has come!

By following the guiding voice, you come to a complete understanding of each interval. It's archetypal and objective experience. Pure listening to the intervals is not like listening to music in what we have come to consider the ordinary way…

Pure Interval
Backing tracks containing the intervals only, without the guiding voice, which you can use to develop the power of this knowledge more independently, freely and creatively!

Extra Emotional
You also have pdf files with more information to find the best way to proceed on the magical path of the intervals and achieve the best results. You will find emotional support and technical explanations to get the right intention to access the power of this ancient knowledge…
The Secret Path Of The Intervals
To fully understand the Secret Path of the intervals it’s essential to proceed in the order described and integrate every single interval in order to access the advanced practices. These practices cannot be experienced fully, with your whole being, without a deep knowledge of the inner states experienced in the self guided meditations.

Octave I
Guided Meditations
Voice Artist: Victoria Heward
1. Introduction – The Secret Knowledge of the Intervals
2. A Single Note, the Slumber of Unconsciousness
3. The Awakening – 1G
4. The Shift – 2m
5. Loving and Loving Oneself – 2M
6. The Inner Moon – 3m
7. Triumph – 3M
8. Rest – 4G
9. Eternal Becoming – 4A
10. Alignment – 5G
11. The Dark Wood of the Soul – 6m
12. Beauty – 6M
13. The Wait – 7m
14. Silent Knowledge – 7M
Octave II
Guided Meditations
Voice Artist: Victoria Heward
1. Introduction – A Paradigm Shift
2. The Mystic Bride – 8G
3. The Voice of the Soul – 9m
4. The Compassion of the Immortal Soul – 9M
5. The Body of the Universe – 10m
6. The Triumph of Light – 10M
7. The Sacred Covenant – 11G
8. The Resilience of the Spirit – 11A
9. Cosmic Alignment – 12G
10. The Celestial Prison – 13m
11. The Golden Section of Infinity – 13M
12. Prayer – 14m
13. The Invisible Spirit – 14M
14. The Dress of Eternity – 15G
15. The Non-Place of the Eternal Covenant- 22G
Shēng Nèi Gōng
地⼒之功 Dì lì zhi gōng
“The Practice of Telluric Force”
闪电之路径 Shǎndiàn zhī lùjìng
“The Path of the Lightning”
天 周 Tiān zhōu
“The Celestial Orbit”
⽼虎之呼吸 Lǎohǔ zhi hūxī
“The Breath of the Tiger”
龙之呼吸 Lóng zhi hūxī
“The Breath of the Dragon”
無⼼功 Wú-xīn gōng
“The Practice of No-Mind”
天梯 Tiāntī
“The Celestial Staircase”
第七天空 Dì qī tiānkōng
“The Seventh Heaven”
天鈴功 tiān líng gōng
“The Practice of Celestial Bells”
以太體之发展 Yǐtài tǐ zhi fāzhǎn
“Empowerment of the Etheric body”
Let the exploration begin!
A warrior of the spirit brings with him special magical tools, sparks of eternity, in support of his inner evolution and outer revolution... Musical intervals are sound symbols and they offer mystic nourishment for your inner development…
The paths of distant eternal worlds await you, between the limpid and refined octaves of the Great Spirit…

About the author

Simone Terigi was born in Sestri Levante, Italy, a town lying on the shining Mediterranean sea.
His life has been steeped in art since he was a child.
He is a guitarist, composer, and teacher. He has a long recording career with his band Lucid Dream and as a soloist.
He is also the author of several essays and a researcher of the Spirit, as he likes to define himself.
His profound artistic research into human potential and the mystery of the universe leads him to explore, experiment and integrate different internal disciplines and achieve an innovative multidimensional art that stimulates inner growth and the expansion of awareness.